Revolutionize Oil Management with Superior Efficiency and Precision

The SF-500 by MKR Metzger GmbH is at the forefront of industrial fluid extractors and offers unrivalled support for cleaning machines and maintaining emulsions and cutting oils. Tailored to the high demands of the metal and automotive industry, the SF-500 is an example of innovation in fluid management.

Why the SF-500 is Your MUST-HAVE Industrial Vacuum Cleaner


MAXIMUM Productivity:

Use the SF-500 for a smooth, efficient cleaning process that significantly reduces downtime and increases machine performance.


Cost Savings:

Significantly reduce waste and operational costs by extending the life of your cutting oils and emulsions with our state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner.


Eco-Friendly Solution:

Focus on environmental sustainability by minimizing the amount of waste and improving the recyclability of industrial liquids, emulsion & oils.


Advanced Oil Filtration Technology:

The SF-500's cutting-edge filtration system delivers unparalleled oil purity, setting a new industry standard.

Key Features

  • High-Efficiency Vacuum Filtration: Specially designed to eliminate contaminants, the SF-500 ensures your oils maintain their performance and longevity.
  • Ease of Use: Designed with mobility and simplicity in mind, making the SF-500 accessible and easy to operate for all skill levels.
  • Durable Construction: Built to withstand the toughest industrial conditions, guaranteeing reliability and long-term durability.
  • Versatile Application: Ideal for a broad range of oils and fluids, making it a versatile tool for any operation requiring pristine oil conditions.

Elevate Your Oil Management 

Discover the difference the SF-500 can make in your oil management system. With its unparalleled efficiency and cutting-edge filtration technology, this industrial oil vacuum cleaner stands ready to enhance your operational sustainability and reduce environmental impact. Contact us today to learn more about our leading industrial oil vacuum cleaner or to request a demonstration. Our experts are here to provide you with the perfect solution tailored to your needs, ensuring your complete satisfaction with our innovative approach to oil cleanliness.


The SF-500 excels as an industrial oil vacuum cleaner due to its advanced filtration technology, robust construction tailored for industrial environments, and user-friendly operation. It is specifically designed to handle a wide range of industrial oils, offering superior cleaning efficiency and sustainability benefits.

Absolutely, the SF-500 is a versatile industrial oil vacuum cleaner capable of efficiently filtering different types of industrial oils, including cutting oils, lubricants, and coolants. Its adaptability ensures optimal performance across diverse industrial applications.

The SF-500 contributes significantly to environmental sustainability by reducing waste and enhancing the recyclability of industrial oils. Its efficient operation minimizes the need for new fluids and disposal costs, aligning with eco-friendly industrial practices.

The SF-500 is designed for low maintenance, ensuring long-term reliability and cost-effectiveness. Its durable construction and quality components reduce the frequency of maintenance, making it a dependable solution for industrial oil cleaning.

Would you like to know more?

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